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WoTC's Official Pokémon TCG Site


Adam: Err- Well, it's just black on white with a few pictures thrown in. I give it a 1.6
Flash: Black and white maybe, but the pictures are nicely done. It's not too flashy, I like that. I'll give it a 2.9

Adam: Nice. Calm. Sort of organized well. Of course, the sections aren't defined, and it's no better than the average pokemon site. And when I accidentally clicked Latin America instead of North America, I couldn't get off of Spanish (even WITH the choose your language bar). And why do you have to DOWNLOAD everything? Everything I want to look at requires a program I don't have! 0.3
Flash: Yeah, But still, if you know what you're looking for, it's all at your fingertips. I like these guys. I'll give it a 2.6


Adam: Err, they MADE the game so I kinda feel obligated to give them a four on this one, But this isn't much different than what they've done with Magic, so bumped to 3.5
Flash: Made the game my spiky ****. It's still just a basic page, with the company giving tips on gameplay, no different than, say, or something to that effect. I'm sorry, but as for originality, I'm only giving them a 1.9

Editor's Note: WoTC only translates the game.


Adam: Information? Sure, there's a complete card list, but they define very few cards in the list: just the strategy cards. If you want information, go to a site with spoilers. 1.7
Flash: They give all the information we need to know. Spoilers are for sissies. They give the lists, and they tell you where you can buy the cards. I give it a 3.1

Fun Stuff: Adam: Fun? This site's fun like a Jolteon is slow. They USED to have games, but I can't seem to find them anymore. Wasn't there a "Who's that pokemon?" here? A wordsearch? I tell ya, This place only gets a 0.7 on the Cooper scale
Flash: Hey, Coop said something right for once. I can't find the fun on here. But wait! These strategies are nice! I think I'll use them to beat Coop in the card game! 1.85

Raw average (33%, 33%, 33%): Adam: 1.9 Flash: 2.4

Tilt average (25%, 25%, 50%): Adam: 1.4 Flash: 1.8

Steve's Final Say: This site is pretty much just a warm body.

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