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The Pokémasters


Adam: The colors hurt my eyes! Ahh! HELP ME! 1.8
Flash: Nice pictures! I give it a 3.1

Adam: Table's too long... Things can be found only with lots of scrolling... But updates are up on the main page, easy to find so that's a 2.8
Flash: You can get to everything from the first page so it's nice and speedy! There's a place for everything and everything's in its place. 3.5


Adam: Everything's in a new format. The pokédex is excellent and done in a way I haven't seen before. And the designs and schemes are fairly newŠ Plus, all that stuff on the pokédex. 3.1
Flash: New format? Yes. New stuff? No. Everything's been done before and this site could've been made by stealing stuff from other sites.* All they had that I haven't really seen before was all the calculators on the pokédex. Sorry, but I'm only giving it a 2

*Pokéwatch is not accusing The Pokémasters of doing so.


Adam: UhhŠ No Chrono trigger stuff! Oh? WaitŠ it's a pokemon siteŠ I honestly don't know anything that's NOT in here, so a perfect 4 (editor's note: perfect scores are not allowed on real reviews, so, the score will register as a 3.95)
Flash: You know, at least Steve PRETENDS to know Brock's last name and Misty's last name. Give me some back-story on the characters that I don't know from watching every episode of the cartoon. Like how Ms. Ketchum almost married Giovanni or why Brock falls in love with every girl he sees! (And I know this, by the way) 2.9

Fun Stuff: Adam: Honestly? I couldn't find much but info. There are fanthings, yeah. But that's the fans, not the site. And when I tried to play "Who's That Pokemon?" it froze my comp! Sorry, but this gets a 1.5
Flash: I'll have to disagree with Coop on this... I think that the picturedex was very fun. They make the pokédex feel more real, and all those quackulators in the pokédex were fun! Also, the deck lists were good, and everything was fast and easy to do! 3.5

Raw average (33%, 33%, 33%): Adam: 2.7 Flash: 2.8

Tilt average (25%, 25%, 50%): Adam: 2.7 Flash: 3.3

Steve's Final Say: The Pokémasters. A great Pokémon site that crashes my browser half the time.

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