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Wario Land 3

I know what you're thinking, "Steve, why are you reviewing a non-Pokémon game?" Because it's a darn good game, that's why.

Story: Wario was flying in in his plane (that guy has way too much money) when it crashed. Then he found a music box, and was transported inside. A being told him to find five music boxes and he would be teleported back outside with whatever treasure he found.

The Pokéfactor: Well, um, one of the treasures is a Pocket Pikachu, and one of the music boxes kinda looks like Togepi.

Gameplay: As Wario, you go around the various levels collecting treasures. Truth be told, the gameplay is really so varied it's hard to describe. The only problem? things get a little dull once you find everything.

3.7 (out of 4)

Graphics: This title is GBC exclusive, and it shows. Some of the effects in this game just plain rock.


Music & Sound:No Wario chuckle, but plenty of music to keep your ears busy.


Play Control: Pretty much works the way you want to.


Raw average (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%): 3.6

Tilt average (40%, 15%, 10%, 35%): 3.7

My score: 3.8

The Final Say: Wario says you should buy this game. Well, he probably would, anyway. Seriously, though, this game kicks major butt.

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