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Pokémon Red/Blue

Ah yes, the game that started it all. You know, I thought that this game would never catch on in America. After all, historically, RPGs have not done well here. Then again, I also said that no one in their right mind would buy Furby (perhaps I was right!)

Story: Do I have to? Okay, you're this kid named Ash who trains these animals (called Pokémon) and wants to become a great master, but you knew that.

Gameplay: You go around talking to people, fighting wild and trainer Pokémon, yada yada yada. Anyway, everything is very intuitive, and you rarely end up in a situation where you have to spend a lot of time raising your levels. The only quibble I have is that the computer opponents provide little challenge.

3.5 (out of 4)

Graphics: Okay, so the overworld map graphics will never win awards, but the battle graphics look pretty good. Unfortunately, this is the last major game before the GBC revolution, and it shows.


Music & Sound: Well, if you ever played the puzzle game Yoshi, the music is pretty similar, and the sound is also interestingly poor for even a Game Boy game.


Play Control: Very good. There's really nothing wrong with it.


Raw average (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%): 3.4

Tilt average (40%, 15%, 10%, 35%): 3.6

My score: 3.7

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