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Signs Pokémon has Fried
Your Brain and Made
You go Insane

*= Done by webmaster

1. You catch yourself saying, "all aboard the gravy train!"*

2. You intentionally say, "all aboard the gravy train!"*

3. You have to be physically restrained near bike racks.

4. You actually understand the Pokémon collectible card game.*

5. You actually understand the Kids' WB schedule.

6. You develop a cheap accent to sound more like James.

7. You made your own Team Rocket shirt...

8. ...and wear it to school.

9. You panted eyeballs on a pink gerdie ball and call it "Jigglypuff."

10. You dyed your gerbil yellow.

11. You always play as Jigglypuff or Pikachu in SSB, even though the other characters are better.

12. You complain to Kids' WB that 7 episodes of Pokémon just aren't enough.

13. You created a web site based on Pokémon.*

14. You created an internet radio show based on Pokémon.*

15. You created a religion based on Pokémon.*

16. You created a sandwich based on Pokémon.

17. You can actually imitate character voices from the show.*

18. You try to evolve your cat.

19. When you reel in a fish, you have your cat beat the junk out of it.

20. You think the Backstreet Boys are some type of gang.

21. You leave your bike laying around so a member of the opposite gender will come and break it.

22. When you get a headache, instead of taking Tylenol, you try to use psychic power.

23. You try to get the name of the city you live in changed to Pallet...

24. ...and the city you live in has 1 million+ people.

25. You became a cheerleader just because of the ones who follow Gary.

26. You perform dangerous genetic experiments to make yourself look more like Brock.

27. You perform dangerous genetic experiments to make yourself look more like Ash.

28. You perform dangerous genetic experiments to make yourself look more like Pikachu.

29. In an attempt to ward off insomnia, you sing, "JIIIIIIIIGGGGLLLLLLLLLYPPPPUUUUUUUUFFFFFFF!"

30. You write a letter to Nintendo asking if you can be Jigglypuff's agent.

31. Felt tip markers must be wrestled from you.

32. You try to build a Pokéball.

33. You change your name to Ash Ketchum.

34. You change your name to Pikachu.

35. You think Pikachu is the second coming of Jesus.

36. You think Misty is the second coming of Jesus.

37. You think Psyduck is the second coming of Jesus.

38. You try to be pathetic like Brock.

39. You try to pin your Congressional Medal of Honor to the inside of your jacket.

40. You're reading this sentence.*

41. You bought a GBC even though you're color-blind.

42. You think our arsenal of ICBMs should be replaced be voltorbs.

43. You start your high school research paper with the thesis statement, "Genetic enhancement will lead the destruction of mankind unless an 11-year old(1) boy can save us."

44. You propose a new course for school, AP Pokémon history.

45. You object to taking a standardized test because you'll miss Pokémon.*

46. While taking this test, the following word pops into your head during a section on tides: Humungadunga.*

47-50 are from

47. You conduct dangerous genetic experiments to make your dog a "Puppymon".

48. You try to catch your dog with a "Puppyball".

49. You're using this list as a checklist.*

50. Whenever you see something new on this list, you rush out to go and do it right away.

51. Your local cinema started giving you frequent viewer miles.

52. While watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire, you scream, "IT'S B YOU IDIOT! FRODO IS NOT A POKÉMON!"*

53. You break your head-and the TV- trying to spend Thanksgiving with your family.

54. Everything on your Christmas list is Pokémon-related (including underwear).

55. You make up Pokémon versions of Christmas songs (hark the herald Gengar sings...).*

56. Instead of "Gloria, " you sing , "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiika, Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiika, Piiiiiiiiiiiiika-a-a!"

57. You swear you saw Jessie and James at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

58. You try to make a Pokéball out of cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes.

59. You hold up your driver's license to the light to make sure it's real.*

60. You're reading this and you have a driver's license.*

61. You drive a Pikachu Beetle to school.

62. You have nightmares that that raccoon you ran over was really Pikachu.

63. You find other songs to sing the Pokémon theme to (such as Amazing Grace).*

64. Nintendo sends you fruit baskets on a weekly basis.

65. You invent a Pokémon dance (swing your tail from side to side...).

66. You threaten to beat up your local newscaster unless he/she learns how to say Pokémon right.

67. You blame Pikachu for all the pet hair on your clothes.*

68. You blame the weather on LaNidorina.*

69. You sign a petition to get a 1989 movie starring Fred Savage rereleased.*

70. You start a petition to get a 1989 movie starring Fred Savage rereleased.*

71-79 are from Slick

71. You try to catch your cat in a baseball that you cut in half and painted red.

72. You ask the nearest pharmacy if they have pokéballs.

73. You put poké at the beginning of every verb you say.

74. You buy 1,364 copies of the red version of Pokémon.

75. You buy 5,648,379 copies of the red version of Pokémon.

76. You buy 1 copy of the red version of Pokémon.*

77. You convince your girlfriend to change her name to Misty.

78. You convince you boyfriend to change his name to Brock.

79. You exchange your Ferrari for 1,000,000,000,000 pokémon cards.

80. You always order the Misty at Dairy Queen.

81. You put a sign in fron of your house that says: "Your Name's" House.

82. Whenever someone uses the phrase, "a house of cards," you ask if they're Pokémon cards.

83. Misty is your idea of a dream wife.*

84. Ash is your idea of a dream husband.

85. You think Kids' WB is stealing Pokémon ideas from your head.*

86. You stalk people involved in Pokémon...

87. ...including the person who closed captions it.

88. You use Pokémon cards to perform magic tricks.

89. You play imaginary Pokémon card games.

90. You restart Pokémon Puzzle League puzzles even though you haven't used any moves.*

91. You swear Gary came up with that puzzle master loss rule.*

92. You spend so much time playing Pokémon Gold/Silver your review is delayed...*

93. You argue about how much Gold/Silver really devalues Psychic types.

94. You pretend to be Mewtwo for your website's mailbag.*

95. You make a Pokémon-based parody of Match Game.*

96. You fantasize about a cross between Pokémon and All New 3's a Crowd.*

97. You know you had some really good ideas for this list, but you forgot them...*

98. You think about Pokémon more than you think about, well, you know.*

99. You begin acting like Pokémon.*

100. You describe your mind in terms of Pokémon characters.*

(1) Based on the assumption that Pokémon: The First Movie occurs about one year after the start of the series.

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