PokŽtalk for Friday, December 24th, 1999: That's me, and this is PokŽtalk for Friday, December 24th, 1999. Well, of course, being a weekday, there's not a whole lot to report, but in TV news, I would like to make a correction, that there is more than one cliffhanger episode, something I would have known, had Kids' WB not been running all these stupid marathons Speaking of marathons, could we please stop seeing the "Sabrina Trilogy" every week? Please? Now for story two. Nintendo announced intentions to build a PokŽmon theme park outside of Kyoto, Japan. In fact, the government is actually helping them find a site for building. Once a site is found, construction will take about a year. Nintendo expects people to come from all over the world. And now, PokŽbriefs: 1. A kid was held at knifepoint this week as he left a Burger King trading night by four boys, who demanded his cards. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and the boys were arrested. 2. A college junior is now teaching kids about reading, writing, and Raichu. She's set up her own class for children interested in the card game. 3. And in non-PokŽmon new, Nintendo released the first screenshot this week of the upcoming Wario Land III. And that's PokŽbriefs! We'll be right back. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Ash's house Not a creature was stirring, not even an electric mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; Ash was nestled all snug in his bed, While visions of league badges danced in his head; And Misty in her 'kerchief, and Brock in his cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Ash sprang from has bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window he flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and looked out aghast. There they stood in their balloon, with a smile on their mouths a man a woman, and a talking meowth! He knew right then what they wanted to do The same thing as always, Ash's pikachu. Team Rocket spied our hero with relative ease, and began their plan so their boss they would please. But our heroes would never allow them that claim, And they whistled, and shouted, and called their PokŽmon by name; "Go, Bulbasaur! Go, Squirtle! Go, Pikachu and Muk!" "Go, Staryu! Go Starmie! Not you, Psyduck!" "Geodude! Onix! To the top of the wall!" "Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!" As dry leaves that with the razor leaf fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So up to the house-top in balloon Team Rocket flew, With the basket full of evil toys, and their PokŽmon too. They would have said their intro at that very time, but that poem is made of an incompatible rhyme. So sent out their PokŽmon, Arbok and Wheezing, While all the while the cold kept them sneezing. Sad to say, they didn't put up much of a fight, and in short order they were put into flight Before they knew it, their plan met its end, Ending up as usual, blasting off again. So our heroes called back their PokŽmon, one by one, knowing well what good work they've done. But felt a need to exclaim, as Team Rocket flew out of sight, "Happy Christmas Team Rocket, and they chuckled, yeah right!" As for the Commercial break starters and enders, no, I'm not too fond of them either. No editorial this week. Oh, and thanks goes to Dave Adams for helping with the poem. Dave Adam's has also provided this week's strategy segment for Super Smash Bros.: 1. Make a list of characters you like that are in that game, in the order from most favorite to least favorite, and make sure to use all the characters in the game. 2. Go to the 1P practice mode. Choose the character that is your favorite as both characters. Get into an arena (random will do nicely), and put the computer on "Evade". Choose a set length of time, and make note of how many kills each person gets. Take the 3-5 characters that got the most kills with the enemy. 3. Now choose another enemy, and set it to "Attack". Note which one survived the longest length of time, and which one had the highest percent damage before getting a KO. Note them, and choose the one higher on your list. Interesting strategy, Dave. That does it for this PokŽtalk. I'll be seeing you next... well, it's not a new millennium or century...but I'll see you in the zeroes.