PokŽtalk for Sunday, November 28th, 1999: Hello! Here's Steven Reich, bringing you PokŽtalk for Sunday, November 28th, 1999! In our top story, PokŽmon Gold and Silver were released in Japan this week. Supplies were limited, due to a recent Taiwan earthquake. Games flew off shelves. Gold & Silver comes out here next fall. Gold and Silver features 100 new PokŽmon, Pocketgear, and other things. In other news, the PokŽmon league is finally over, which means that starting next weekend, we get to have normal episodes-hopefully. In case you haven't noticed, there's not much going on the world of PokŽmon these days. And now, PokŽbriefs: 1. Screen shots were released this week of the upcoming PokŽmon card. Not playing the card game myself, I don't know what to think of it. 2. Viewings of PokŽmon: The First Movie have dropped off sharply, although Warner Bros. still expects $90 million in sales by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. 3. Don't forget, if you saw the PokŽmon movie and didn't get a card, mail in your stub! And that's PokŽbriefs! We'll be right back! Q: What NOA figure is known for translating the Zelda games? Ad: George W. Bush "Bush": Hello all you PokŽmaniacs out there, this is George Bush, and I want you to vote for me. I'm a big PokŽmon fan you know. Pikachu, "Jigglypoof," I love em' all! Voice: Um, sir? "Bush": What? Voice: These people can't vote. "Bush": You should've told me! Voice: And one other thing.... "Bush": What? Voice: It's JigglyPUFF, sir. "Bush": Grrrr.... (Mumbles incoherently) A: Dan Owsen. Boy, is he ever everywhere. Anyway, we've come to this week's editorial. Official sites: Reliable or not? This has become a large topic of debate on the SMBHQ forums. This arose when a poster pointed out that a site listed Jessie's age as 12. In the episode, "The Ultimate Test," Jessie gave her age as 17. To tell the truth, she was probably embellishing and is in all likelihood about 22. Why would the site make such a grievous error? Some would say it's a big conspiracy, and that sites-official and not-lie routinely in order to sell. My feeling is that sites tell what they like, but do not alter facts, they simply omit them. So where does this leave Jessiegate? Well, I believe one person put it very well: To err is human, but to really screw things up requires a computer. And most importantly-who cares? I mean, who want's to be the same age as a two-bit thug? And finally, Now that the holiday shopping season is upon us, I hope all of you have been working on your begging skills. That does it for PokŽtalk, this is Steven Reich saying, how do you get to the PokŽmon league? Well, you take route 12 and... oh forget it.