PokŽtalk for Sunday, January 9th, 2000: You know, what with the new intro and all, it's getting harder and harder to write bits for this, January, 9th, 2000. In our top story, after several weeks of old stuff, we got a new episode. We also learned why there's no such thing as commuter blimp today. By the way, I knew Ash was stupid, but I have no idea how Ash planned to walk to Valencia Island. Now there's one for dum misstakes. By the way, is it just me, or do these new episodes seem longer? Next week's marathon is "Ash's wish you were there week." Don't forget, next week Brock leaves the show, though I doubt I'll miss him. In story two, Nintendo plans to release a new PokŽmon CD next month. The CD will include the new theme song, "PokŽmon World," which will be appearing on the show in a few weeks, as well as the theme from Pikachu's Winter Vacation, and at least one other song. And now, PokŽbriefs 1. Golden books has announced they plan to release PokŽmon math books. 2. Don't believe everything you hear on the internet, as it turns out, rumors about the release of the Team Rocket collectible card game set were false. 3. Believe this, though. A rerelease of the original PokŽmon card set is planned, with new borders. And that's PokŽbriefs We'll be right back! Ad: PokŽards Announcer: Prepare for big saving at PokŽards! Stock up on potions, three for five dollars! Bring PokŽmon back with revive, only six dollars each! And don't forget about our PokŽballs, only $1.50 each! (Singing) You'll save big money at PokŽards! Okaay. Now, for this week's editorial, I'd like to discuss that bane of television...no, not monster shows, millionaire game shows. Last night, I watched Winning Lines, from the people who brought you Who Wants to be a Millionaire. In comparison, Winning Lines seems to go by fast. Too fast, in fact. Whereas Millionaire is a prolonged experience, Lines is a sugar rush. In this week's strategy segment, I'm going to discuss Super Smash Bros. Although I don't generally recommend playing as Pikachu, here's a neat little challenge: See if you can use the thunder move to juggle a player in the air, even knock them out. If you've got a strategy, send it to yoshi1001@aol.com with the subject "PokŽmon strategy." That does it for this PokŽtalk. Next week's PokŽtalk will be on Saturday, until then, goodbye!